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Banza service task manager for Creatio

Easily manage a chain of activities of the case life cycle
    Product description

    Banza service task manager for Creatio allows you to create a chain of activities according to the selected service agreement or service order. Using this functionality, you can automate cases depending on the selected service.

    Use cases:

    The extension will be useful for companies that have a large number of services,

    For example:

    • The process of hiring employees by the HR department;
    • The process of approval for structural changes in the company requiring the approval of several instances;
    • The process of performing service work, in which several units are involved.

    Key features:

    • Creating a chain of activities, depending on the service and with the possibility of changing the case status, creating a new case, and closing the case (contingent on the result of the activity).
    Banza service task manager for Creatio cloud / on-site subscription
    $ 3.300
    / year
    The listed price does not include the cost of Creatio Platform plan. For detailed information on Platform pricing, please refer to the following link.
    Pricing does not include taxes and fees (such as VAT) regulated by law.
    The payment shall be made either (i) in USD or (ii) in EUR, (iii) in GBP, (iiii) in AUD at the company's then current commercial rate if it would be agreed with Creatio.

    Terms & Conditions

    Support is available for this application.
    Support conditions

    Support is provided by the developer within the “Basic” and “Business” packages. Detailed information about the support packages and the support terms can be found on the Creatio website.

    Support contacts
    Product compatibility
    8.0.0 and up
    Any supported DBMS
    .NET Framework
    Deployment options
    Account data sharing

    By installing or downloading the App, you confirm that you agree with sharing your account data (name, email, phone, company and country) with the App Developer as their End User.

    The App Developer will process your data under their privacy policy.

    Guides and manuals
    1. To create task templates, you need:
      • Go to [System designer] ? open section [Lookups] ? find and open the [Task manager] static lookup folder;
      • Create task types for each necessary activity;
      • Create task results by task type;
      • Create a responsible group type for each task type.
    2. To create a task route, you need:
      • Go to the [Services] section ? open the necessary service ? go to the [Task manager] tab;
      • Choose the task type into [Task templates] detail, specify the correspondence of the result to the next step of the route and select the responsible group.
    What's new?
    Version 1.0
    Case automation depending on the selected service.
    Automation of the processes of companies that have a large number of services.
    Creating a chain of activities.