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Visits campaigns for Creatio

Planning of visits for selected customers and its fulfillment
    Product description

    The "Visits campaigns for Creatio" add-on helps users easily to create visits to selected accounts dedicated to regular or special events and track campaign implementation and effectiveness.

    Use cases:

    You can automatically create a pull of visits for each representative, setup specific visit checklist for each campaign and analyze the efficiency of the outdoor activities.

    Key features:

    • automatic creation of visits for selected accounts;
    • periodical check of new accounts in the specified folder and creation of visits for newly added accounts;
    • setup of specific visit checklists for each campaign;
    • filling in visit checklist directly on the meeting using mobile application;
    • track of planned and completed visits.


    Visits are created on the current date and time. Visits reschedule should be performed by responsible managers themselves.

    Visits campaigns for Creatio

    Terms & Conditions

    Support is not available for this application.
    Support conditions

    Thank you for choosing to use our Marketplace app. We appreciate your interest and want to provide you with important information about our support policy.

    Please note that this app is provided "AS-IS" without any warranties, and at this time, we do not offer official support service level agreements (SLAs). While we are committed to improving the app and providing assistance when possible, we may not be able to provide dedicated support for individual users.

    We understand that this may be disappointing, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We encourage you to refer to our documentation and to participate in Creatio Community for assistance.

    Thank you for your understanding and for choosing to use our app. We hope that you will continue to enjoy the benefits of the app despite this limitation.

    Product compatibility
    All products on Creatio platform
    7.12.2 and up
    .NET Framework
    Deployment options
    Account data sharing

    By installing or downloading the App, you confirm that you agree with sharing your account data (name, email, phone, company and country) with the App Developer as their End User.

    The App Developer will process your data under their privacy policy.

    Guides and manuals
    1. Add section to the workplace. Go to "System desigher" > "Workplace setup", select your workplace. Go to "Workplace setup" tab, add "Visits campaigns" section using "+" near the "Section" detail.
    2. Exit and login to Creatio again. To work with section you need have access to the workplace that contains this section.
    3. Create campaign. Go to "Visits campaigns" section, select "New". Enter "Name", select the account folder and setup timeline period for visits. Go to "Visit checklist" tab to fill in checklist and save changes. Change visit campaign stage to "Active" stage to automatically create activities for each account in folder. 
    4. Schedule new visits. Notify responsible managers to plan new visits in accordance with their timetable and priorities.


    Developed by