Buttons on Opportunity Edit Page for Creatio helps to copy or delete the opportunity record from the edit page providing more visibility about the record before performing copy or delete operation.
Use cases:
To perform the copy and delete operation of an opportunity record in the edit page by analyzing all the record contents (Field values, Detail records, Attachments etc.)
Key features:
- Able to create a new opportunity record by copying the opportunity directly from the edit page which helps to give more visibility on the available fields and their values.
- .Able to delete an opportunity record directly from the opportunity edit page where complete record contents could be scrutinized before deleting the record.
- Connected records information is brought to the user while performing delete operation which helps the user to review before deleting the record.
- Users with the provided access, set in object permission could perform the operation.
For Copy, the required fields copied to a new opportunity record have to be configured in the object setup in the opportunity section wizard.
Terms & Conditions
To keep this add-on free of charge support is provided only by email.
By installing or downloading the App, you confirm that you agree with sharing your account data (name, email, phone, company and country) with the App Developer as their End User.
The App Developer will process your data under their privacy policy.
After the successful installation of the add-on, you will get to see the Copy and Delete button on the Opportunity edit page. The buttons are readily available to use inside the edit page of the opportunity record once the installation is done.
Copy - Click on the copy button to create a new record by copying field values from the current opportunity record
Delete - Click on the delete button to delete the current opened opportunity record.
What's new
1.0 Included Copy and Delete functionality inside the opportunity Edit page