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Phonet connector for Creatio

Connector to Phonet business telephony that allows to manage, fix and analyze calls in your Creatio.
    Product description

    Phonet connector for Creatio allows you to connect cloud telephony to your CRM, conveniently communicate with your clients, record and analyze calls and the work of your employees.

    Use Cases

    For Sales Departments, Support Service and Contact Center, when you need to set up your own call reception scenarios by departments and employees, reduce call processing
    time, quickly find all information about the client and his orders, analyze the effectiveness of the employee's work and communications, etc.

    To improve your business processes with the involvement of other departments.

    Key Features

    • Receive calls in the CRM, click to call in Creatio
    • Transfer calls to other employers
    • Direct incoming calls to the responsible employee specified in the client card
    • Pop-up notification with the name of the client when calling
    • Automated Lead or Contact creation when calling to quickly enter the client’s data
    • Listen to calls records in the CRM
    • Fixed missed calls
    • Call history and Analytics


    To make calls, you need to connect an IP phone or softphone to your computer or
    To use the connector, you need to connect Phonet Virtual PBX.

    Phonet connector for Creatio

    To use the connector, you must have an active subscription to Phonet. Find out the prices on our website

    Terms & Conditions

    Support is available for this application.
    Support conditions
    Free technical support is included in all Phonet Virtual PBX tariffs.
    Requests for setting up integration with Creatio and other technical requests can be sent by existing Phonet customers to the support email or by calling the numbers listed on the website.
    The response time to a request is up to 1 hour from the moment the request is received, during the working hours of support indicated on the Phonet website.
    Support contacts
    38 (044) 225 65 95
    Product compatibility
    All products on Creatio platform
    7.6 and up
    Any supported DBMS
    .NET Core (deprecated from 8.0.9)
    .NET Framework
    Deployment options

    The third part application communicates with creatio with help of HTTP API. 

    Account data sharing

    By installing or downloading the App, you confirm that you agree with sharing your account data (name, email, phone, company and country) with the App Developer as their End User.

    The App Developer will process your data under their privacy policy.

    Guides and manuals
    Developed by