SalesUp Text field autofill for Creatio helps create templates that will quickly and easily generate names of fields and records titles. Use these templates for any text field in Creatio.
Use cases:
- Generating the title of orders and contracts according to a template set by the organization individually.
- A quick adding of regular activities for managers without entering titles manually.
- Assigning private titles for calls for customer centers.
Key features:
A convenient wizard for customization as a separate system section.
Macros configuration does not require deep analytical knowledge.
Use the following field types for the template: dates, amounts, and text values.
The add-on does not work with lookup fields.
Terms & Conditions
By installing or downloading the App, you confirm that you agree with sharing your account data (name, email, phone, company and country) with the App Developer as their End User.
The App Developer will process your data under their privacy policy.
- In the system designer, go to the String formation settings.
- In the string formation setting, specify the object for which you want to generate the string, the object column, and the Formatting string template.
- Set up the filter for which the string will be generated.
- Save your changes.
As a result, the value of the selected column will be autofilled with the value specified in the Formatting string template.
What's new
- Added the ability to configure variables for substitution in a string template (similar to notifications):
- Ability to select columns of different types of related objects (Order product category).
- Ability to aggregate indicators (Amount of all products in the Account).
- The possibility of sorting and filtering related objects (Date of the last shipment under the contract for the amount of more than 100K);
- The possibility of concatenation of parameters has been added (formation of the address as Country+Region+City+Street+House, while if any of the parameters is not filled, it will be ignored);
- Ability to configure Autonumbering for records Ability to implement the basic object numbering mechanism without development (order ORD-0045721). Ability to generate different masks for numbering depending on different conditions (application with type of application - SR, application with type of license request - LR) Ability to add other components to the template with increments (the value of the Counterparty column is "ORD-SalesUp-0045721");
- Line formatting is now available on the new Freedom UI pages. The ability to set different templates for any objects, while the values will be recalculated on the fly when changing dependent indicators and in the new interface.
Product packages conversion to assembly packages