Section actions dashboard manager allows you to choose which actions to show and to hide in the action-dashboard tab for each section changing the value of one system setting.
Use cases:
Choose which actions to show and to hide in the action-dashboard tab without applying changes to code.
To use the add-on, simply install and change the value of this system setting: Rvs - Show action dashboard (RvsShowActionDashboardBitMask)
The add-on doesn't support FreedomUI Shell
Terms & Conditions
To keep this app free of charge support is provided only by email.
By installing or downloading the App, you confirm that you agree with sharing your account data (name, email, phone, company and country) with the App Developer as their End User.
The App Developer will process your data under their privacy policy.
To use the add-on, simply install and change the value of this system setting: Rvs - Show action dashboard (RvsShowActionDashboardBitMask)
This system setting allows to show or to hide the actions of the action-dashboard tab and it is based on binary code.
Each digit of the bitmask corresponds to an action (0 = hide; 1 = show)
To show all the actions set the value = -1
To hide all the actions set the value = 0
To show only some specific actions set the value as the sum of the values of the chosen actions (below there are some examples)
Mapping of the action-buttons:
Whatsapp-button - 2^0
Telegram-button - 2^1
Facebook-button - 2^2
Activity-button - 2^3
Message-button - 2^4
Email-button - 2^5
Call-button - 2^6
- to show only the Whatsapp-button you must insert the value 1 (because 2^0 = 1)
- to show only the Facebook-button and the Email-button you must insert the value 36 (because 2^2 + 2^5 = 4 + 32 = 36)
- to show only the Activity-button, the Message-button, the Email-button and the Call-button you must insert the value 120 (because 2^3 + 2^4 + + 2^5 + 2^6 = 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 = 120)
The add-on doesn't support FreedomUI Shell