38 solutions
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OWOX BI connector
OWOX BI connector for Creatio
Find out the true acquisition sources of every CRM conversion, compare your CPO with targets on Ads-level, and make better decisions on budget allocation.
Integration via Creatio API
Looker Studio connector
Looker Studio connector for Creatio

Connector between Creatio and Google Looker Studio. It allows report generation from Creatio using Looker Studio connected to Creatio Data.

Experceo Jotform connector
Experceo Jotform connector for Creatio

The JotForm connector enriches Creatio's CRM, offering automated data sync, customizable forms, and real-time analytics, streamlining workflows for sales, marketing, and HR teams.

Integration via Creatio API
Glyue by Sandbox Banking
Glyue by Sandbox Banking

Glyue™ by Sandbox Banking allows banks and credit unions to connect their banking cores to their Creatio account to simplify workflows, unify data from various systems, and streamline operations.

Integration via Creatio API
MongoDB integration
MongoDB integration for Creatio

A dynamic connection for seamless and powerful Creatio and MongoDB integration

Smart S3 connector
Smart S3 connector for Creatio

Integration with S3 with the ability to override the strategy of interaction with objects in the remote storage.

MasterCRM Vchasno integration
MasterCRM Vchasno integration for Creatio

The connector enables seamless document signing by automatically sending files to the Vchasno service from within Creatio. It enhances Creatio's functionality by integrating document signing capabilities and simplifying the process.

Banza Approval Mechanism
Banza Approval Mechanism for Creatio
Universal mechanism for managing approval processes in a company