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Salesforce data import for Creatio

The Salesforce to Creatio data migration by Bridgeports Integration Service allows for simple Salesforce integration with Creatio
    Product description

    The Salesforce to Creatio data migration by Bridgeports Integration Service enables the transferring of data to be fast, easy, and affordable. Built-in mappings for major entities ensure successful data migration going without the need for custom development - already having the mappings of core out-of-box (OOB) Salesforce and Creatio entities. The service is a secure solution to migrate your critical information from Salesforce to Creatio which, built on Bridgeports Integration Service, takes advantage of the framework’s robust and scalable architecture.

    Use cases:

    The application efficiently transfers data much faster than traditional ETL technologies. There are only a few configuration steps enabling the Salesforce to Creatio to migrate data. The product enables the configuration of custom entities. 

    The connectors and mappings are customizable allowing you to determine the migration dataset. An intuitive dashboard allows you to monitor in real-time and review the progress, while logs provide the necessary information to troubleshoot data anomalies.

    Whether migrating sales, marketing, service, support or custom data, Salesforce – Creatio Migration efficiently maintains the integrity and safety of your information.


    1. Prebuilt mappings for all major out-of-box (OOB) entities

    2. Ability to create mappings for custom entities

    3. Detailed monitoring, reporting, and troubleshooting

    4. Key performance metrics

    5. An intuitive dashboard, and accelerated migration.

    Key features:

    • Built-in mappings for all major OOB entities. Reduced cost of data migration development.
    • Configuration requires just a few simple steps to begin migrating data.
    • Full control on what entities are migrated, including the ability to pre-filter records based on logical conditions.
    • Ability to add custom mappings - custom entities and fields are supported.
    • The application maintains relationships between entities when migrated across systems.
    • Data transformation functions include data conversions, lookups, picklists, etc.
    • Fast performance.
    • Dashboards with real-time information about migration progress.
    • Detailed logging enables detection and troubleshooting of data migration issues.
    • Available as a SaaS/Cloud or on-premises solutions - ensures full control of data.
    Additional resources
    on demand
    The listed price does not include the cost of Creatio Platform plan. For detailed information on Platform pricing, please refer to the following link.
    Pricing does not include taxes and fees (such as VAT) regulated by law.
    The payment shall be made either (i) in USD or (ii) in EUR, (iii) in GBP, (iiii) in AUD at the company's then current commercial rate if it would be agreed with Creatio.

    Terms & Conditions

    Support is available for this application.
    Support conditions

    Support is provided by email.

    Support contacts
    Product compatibility
    All products on Creatio platform
    UI Framework
    Classic UI
    Freedom UI
    7.13 and up
    Deployment options
    Account data sharing

    By installing or downloading the App, you confirm that you agree with sharing your account data (name, email, phone, company and country) with the App Developer as their End User.

    The App Developer will process your data under their privacy policy.

    Developed by
    UI Framework