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Printable attachment in email for Creatio

Send email generated from template and attach printable file
    Product description

    The "Send Printable as Attachment" is an add-on to the Creatio platform, which allows users to send email generated from template and to attach printable template converted to pdf file by using special "User task" element in business process. 

    Use Cases:

    You can apply this add-on to any recurring event that requires an email template and a printable to be sent out. For example, this could include monthly invoices or weekly reports.

    Key Features:

    • send templated email by using "Send email generated from template with attachment" user task like any other business process element;
    • attach printable file selected from printable template lookup;
    • convert attached file to pdf if it's necessary.


    • Only one printable template can be attached to email.
    • Convert to PDF option only works on legacy systems


    $ 199
    / year
    The listed price does not include the cost of Creatio Platform plan. For detailed information on Platform pricing, please refer to the following link.
    Pricing does not include taxes and fees (such as VAT) regulated by law.
    The payment shall be made either (i) in USD or (ii) in EUR, (iii) in GBP, (iiii) in AUD at the company's then current commercial rate if it would be agreed with Creatio.

    Terms & Conditions

    Support is available for this application.
    Support conditions
    Support is provided by the developer within the “Basic” and “Business” packages. Detailed information about the support packages and the support terms can be found on the Creatio website.
    Support contacts
    +44 1959 560415
    Product compatibility
    All products on Creatio platform
    UI Framework
    Classic UI
    Freedom UI
    7.12 and up
    .NET Framework
    Deployment options
    Account data sharing

    By installing or downloading the App, you confirm that you agree with sharing your account data (name, email, phone, company and country) with the App Developer as their End User.

    The App Developer will process your data under their privacy policy.

    Guides and manuals

    1. Open business process. Go to "System designer" > "Process library", open existed or create new business process.

    2. Add element. Add "User task" element to the diagram and select "Send Email generated from template with attachment" user task in the "Which user task to perform?" field.

    3. Setup process element parameters. Fill in following parameters:

    • "Mailbox for send email" (the From email address) - select from lookup of existing email accounts setup;
    • "To" - select recipient email address;
    • "Email template id" - select from "Email template" lookup that would form the email body;
    • "Id of record, that used in email template filling" - select a object record that will be used to fill the email template;
    • "Printable template id" - select from lookup the printable you wish to attach to the email;
    • "Id of record, that used in printable filling" - select the object record that will be used to populate the printable;
    • "Convert to PDF?" - option to convert the printable to PDF or leave as word document ("True" or "False" value).

    4. Save business process. Press "Save" button to save changes and run this process to test user task performance.

    Developed by
    UI Framework