20 solutions
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Integration via Creatio API
InterWeave eCommerce Gateway
InterWeave eCommerce Gateway for Creatio
The Inter Weave eCommerce Gateway, is a powerful,easy-to-use configurable integration, delivered by Inter Weave SMART Solutions, a comprehensive SaaS, Integration Platform.
Analytical segmentation
Analytical segmentation for Creatio
Database segmentation for efficient analysis
QubeSoft Nova Poshta connector
QubeSoft Nova Poshta connector for Creatio
The connector allows you to connect several Nova Poshta offices, create TTN in the order, track the status of the parcel and link the status of the parcel to the status of the order, print TTN, and use parcel data to automate messages to customers
Writer Operator
Writer Operator for Creatio
Automated workplace for operator working in text channels including web widget and all popular messengers, such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
CI Characteristics Designer
CI Characteristics Designer for Creatio
Create additional dynamic characteristics for your configuration item
Cusbo chat channels
Cusbo chat channels for Creatio
Cusbo chat channels for Creatio provide the possibility to process messages sent via Instagram, Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and website widget using Cusbo service
Banza service task manager
Banza service task manager for Creatio
Easily manage a chain of activities of the case life cycle
OWOX BI connector
OWOX BI connector for Creatio
Find out the true acquisition sources of every CRM conversion, compare your CPO with targets on Ads-level, and make better decisions on budget allocation.
Integration via Creatio API
Looker Studio connector
Looker Studio connector for Creatio
Connector between Creatio and Google Looker Studio. It allows report generation from Creatio using Looker Studio connected to Creatio Data.
Reports builder
Banza reports builder for Creatio

The product allows you to configure report export based on any data from the system.

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