29 solutions
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ChatGPT connector
ChatGPT connector for Creatio

Personal neural network available for the Creatio platform

Integration via Creatio API
StarfishETL integration
StarfishETL integration for Creatio

A powerful iPaaS for integrating Creatio with all kinds of other business solutions

Smart Tags
Smart Tags for Creatio
Extension that automatically creates tags for Creatio objects
Landingi connector
Landingi connector for Creatio
A pixel perfect landing page builder for Marketers. Create responsive pages to generate leads and convert them into Creatio objects.
AI-powered call analytics platform
AI-powered call analytics platform for Creatio
Get your call center agents and managers bring their A-game into action with AI call analytics
Banza OneDrive connector
Banza OneDrive connector for Creatio
Connector to OneDrive, a file hosting service
Integration via Creatio API
SAP HANA integration
SAP HANA integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and SAP HANA integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Lead and Opportunity Management
Lead and Opportunity Management
Organize your lead and opportunity management with ease. Apply effective lead capturing tools, segment leads to focus on the best opportunities, and monitor the lead pipeline to avoid bottlenecks as early as possible.
Google Sheets connector
Google Sheets connector for Creatio
The connector allows you to connect Google Sheets and your Creatio (two-way exchange). Now you can automatically transfer data from Google sheets and create new objects as contacts, orders, etc in your Creatio.
Formstack Forms connector
Formstack Forms connector for Creatio
Seamlessly connect your Formstack Forms subscription to Creatio to bring in new records, and ensure they're attributed to the proper landing page and campaign.
Integration via Creatio API
Xero integration
Xero integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Xero integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
Sage integration
Sage integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Sage integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
QuickBooks Online integration
QuickBooks Online integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and QuickBooks Online integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Operations integration
Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Operations integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Operations integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.