31 solutions
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ChatGPT connector
ChatGPT connector for Creatio

Personal neural network available for the Creatio platform

Case Management
Case Management
Intelligent, full-cycle service management capabilities that improve all processes related to service delivery, interaction with customers, feedback tracking and analysis, department performance monitoring, and more.
Integration via Creatio API
StarfishETL integration
StarfishETL integration for Creatio

A powerful iPaaS for integrating Creatio with all kinds of other business solutions

Smart Tags
Smart Tags for Creatio
Extension that automatically creates tags for Creatio objects
AI-powered call analytics platform
AI-powered call analytics platform for Creatio
Get your call center agents and managers bring their A-game into action with AI call analytics
ServicePoint for Creatio
Management of internal and external service for a company of any size
Banza Conversation Scripts
Banza Conversation Scripts for Creatio
Client conversation dynamic scripts
Banza Bot Constructor
Banza Bot Constructor for Creatio
Chatbot designer for 24/7 service for your customers
Integration via Creatio API
SAP HANA integration
SAP HANA integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and SAP HANA integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

SalesUp Catalog selection enhancements
SalesUp Catalog selection enhancements for Creatio
Simple work with catalogs in the system. Filter the records automatically, hierarchy of selection, convenient and quick adding records to the details.
Integration via Creatio API
Xero integration
Xero integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Xero integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
Sage integration
Sage integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Sage integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
QuickBooks Online integration
QuickBooks Online integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and QuickBooks Online integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Operations integration
Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Operations integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Microsoft Dynamics Finance and Operations integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.