9 solutions
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Integration via Creatio API
Microsoft Power BI connector
Microsoft Power BI connector for Creatio

Connector to Microsoft Power BI, an interactive data visualization software

Paymaze payments management
Paymaze payments management for Creatio
Connector to payment gateways, auto-charge from credit cards, subscriptions, and recurring payments
Prengi service
Prengi service for Creatio

Prengi - Comprehensive System for Clear and Effective Facility Management!

By using this system, you can easily manage all processes of operation and maintenance of your facilities online. No limits for number and type of real estate to work with.

MasterCRM BAS integration
MasterCRM BAS integration for Creatio
Connect your Creatio system with your accounting system on the 1C platform (version 8.3 and higher)
SmartTender connector
SmartTender connector for Creatio
Connector to the smarttender.biz tender platform to receive commercial and public tenders.
OWOX BI connector
OWOX BI connector for Creatio
Find out the true acquisition sources of every CRM conversion, compare your CPO with targets on Ads-level, and make better decisions on budget allocation.
Integration via Creatio API
Looker Studio connector
Looker Studio connector for Creatio

Connector between Creatio and Google Looker Studio. It allows report generation from Creatio using Looker Studio connected to Creatio Data.

MasterCRM eSputnik integration
MasterCRM eSputnik integration for Creatio
Unlock the full potential of Creatio with "MasterCRM eSputnik integration for Creatio" — revolutionize your bulk messaging across Viber and SMS channels with ease and precision.
Inselligence integration
Inselligence integration for Creatio
The Inselligence integration for Creatio provides you instant access to advanced revenue intelligence platform that optimizing your sales strategy.