SalesUp Internal chats for Creatio
Simplify communication between both system and portal users, using the chat functionality inside Creatio.
Easy attachment field editing
Easy attachment field editing for Creatio
This add-on switches common Attachments detail to editable grid mode
SalesUp Calculation engine
SalesUp Calculation engine for Creatio
Add-on for Creatio’s platform for implementing calculation logic in the system object cards without software developers involvement.
Banza Custom Pop-Up Messages
Banza Custom Pop-Up Messages for Creatio
Creating pop-up messages for users
SalesUp Role-based business rules
SalesUp Role-based business rules for Creatio
Create business rules based on user role.
Banza Bot Constructor for Creatio
Chatbot designer for 24/7 service for your customers
Banza change log for Creatio
Setup and tracking data changes
Banza notification master
Banza notification master for Creatio
Flexible tool for creating and configuring notifications inside of Creatio
Adobe e-Sign integration for Creatio
The Adobe e-sign Integration for Creatio is designed to facilitate the generation of Adobe e-sign agreements, sending them out for signature and receiving the signed documents directly from Creatio UI.