16 solutions
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Integration via Creatio API
Microsoft Power BI connector
Microsoft Power BI connector for Creatio

Connector to Microsoft Power BI, an interactive data visualization software

SalesUp Data Management
SalesUp Data Management for Creatio
The low-code product for managing data, plan-fact data analysis, forecasting, planning and tracking employees KPI's with the capability to build models online, visualize the results automatically, form and upload reports.
Quickbooks online connector
Quickbooks online connector for Creatio

Customers, products, and accounts integration. Flexible user settings.

SalesUp Multichannel Bulk Messaging
SalesUp Multichannel Bulk Messaging for Creatio
Streamline your communication with a tool for sending bulk and trigger messages across SMS, mobile apps, social media, and messanging platforms.
Exact connector
Exact connector for Creatio
Real time bi-directional integration with Exact Online ERP solution
SalesUp BAS integration
SalesUp BAS integration for Creatio
Setting up one-way and two-way data exchange between 1C and the Creatio system using the Creatio system interface
Integration via Creatio API
SAP HANA integration
SAP HANA integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and SAP HANA integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
InterWeave Sage Intacct Integration
InterWeave Sage Intacct Integration for Creatio
The Inter Weave SMART Solution for Creatio to Sage Intacct is a powerful, configurable Integration Solution, providing extensive integration of data, uni or bi-directional, with your business process and workflow.
Prengi service
Prengi service for Creatio

Prengi - Comprehensive System for Clear and Effective Facility Management!

By using this system, you can easily manage all processes of operation and maintenance of your facilities online. No limits for number and type of real estate to work with.

MasterCRM BAS integration
MasterCRM BAS integration for Creatio
Connect your Creatio system with your accounting system on the 1C platform (version 8.3 and higher)
Symitar® connector
Symitar® connector for Creatio
Symitar® Connector allows you import Accounts, Names, Shares, Loans and Cards to Creatio. Symitar® is a division of Jack Henry & Associates®.
Lead Generation
Lead Generation
Engage with your audience from landing pages, analyze its web sessions, and automate marketing workflows
ProZemli Creatio
Automation of UA land bank management
OWOX BI connector
OWOX BI connector for Creatio
Find out the true acquisition sources of every CRM conversion, compare your CPO with targets on Ads-level, and make better decisions on budget allocation.
Integration via Creatio API
Looker Studio connector
Looker Studio connector for Creatio

Connector between Creatio and Google Looker Studio. It allows report generation from Creatio using Looker Studio connected to Creatio Data.