34 solutions
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Mobile field services
Mobile field services for Creatio
Light-weight access to Creatio for customers and subcontractors on mobile.
Shopify connector
Shopify connector for Creatio
Bidirectional connector to upload contacts, products, and orders from Creatio to Shopify and back, providing validity to the links between entities.
Integration via Creatio API
StarfishETL integration
StarfishETL integration for Creatio

A powerful iPaaS for integrating Creatio with all kinds of other business solutions

FedEx Connector
FedEx Connector for Creatio
Managing FedEx shipments from Creatio Orders

Feature-rich, highly customizable map platform for field sales, geo-analysis, routing, location tracking, territory management, prospecting, embeddable maps and no-code automation

YouScan connector
YouScan connector for Creatio
Uncover new sales opportunities, as well as threats across social media with YouScan. Empower your customer success managers, marketers and sales specialists with social media insights delivered directly into Creatio.
Social media cases
Social media cases for Creatio
Connector to social media listening system YouScan for effective brand reputation management.
Integration via Creatio API
HubSpot Marketing Hub integration
HubSpot Marketing Hub integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and HubSpot Marketing Hub integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
InterWeave eCommerce Gateway
InterWeave eCommerce Gateway for Creatio
The Inter Weave eCommerce Gateway, is a powerful,easy-to-use configurable integration, delivered by Inter Weave SMART Solutions, a comprehensive SaaS, Integration Platform.
Integration via Creatio API
SAP HANA integration
SAP HANA integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and SAP HANA integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

QubeSoft Nova Poshta connector
QubeSoft Nova Poshta connector for Creatio
The connector allows you to connect several Nova Poshta offices, create TTN in the order, track the status of the parcel and link the status of the parcel to the status of the order, print TTN, and use parcel data to automate messages to customers
Asterisk call recorder
Asterisk call recorder for Creatio
Call recording for the Asterisk connector for Creatio. Records and saves phone calls online to a file with a playback option.
Integration via Creatio API
Xero integration
Xero integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Xero integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
Sage integration
Sage integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Sage integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.

Integration via Creatio API
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration for Creatio

A starter template that makes Creatio and Microsoft Dynamics Business Central integration fast and easy. Powered by StarfishETL.