21 solutions
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OWOX BI connector
OWOX BI connector for Creatio
Find out the true acquisition sources of every CRM conversion, compare your CPO with targets on Ads-level, and make better decisions on budget allocation.
Integration via Creatio API
Looker Studio connector
Looker Studio connector for Creatio

Connector between Creatio and Google Looker Studio. It allows report generation from Creatio using Looker Studio connected to Creatio Data.

AI Email Sentiment Analyzer
AI Email Sentiment Analyzer for Creatio
Analyze email tones as positive, negative, or neutral/mixed with this plugin, gaining insights for improved customer engagement and data-driven decision-making in Creatio and enhance communication effortlessly.
Integration via Creatio API
Glyue by Sandbox Banking
Glyue by Sandbox Banking

Glyue™ by Sandbox Banking allows banks and credit unions to connect their banking cores to their Creatio account to simplify workflows, unify data from various systems, and streamline operations.

Inselligence integration
Inselligence integration for Creatio
The Inselligence integration for Creatio provides you instant access to advanced revenue intelligence platform that optimizing your sales strategy.
Ada AI Chatbot
Ada AI Chatbot

Streamline your customer service engagements with an AI-powered Ada bot that connects to your knowledge base. Generate expert responses to your customers’ requests via Ada and seamlessly hand over unresolved conversations to human agents in Creatio.
